Friday, September 16, 2005

God is pro-abortion

I was speaking to a friend of mine last week and the topic of my wife’s recent miscarriage came up. Of course she apologized profusely and was saddened for us. We now know why people wait to announce a pregnancy. It is more awkward telling your family and friends about the miscarriage than it is sad to go through it. Anyway, one thing she said was that it was meant to be. I told her that I didn’t think it was “higher power” meant to be but that I agreed, it was just nature’s way of weeding out the bad pregnancies.

It got me thinking. I could have just as easily heard many people saying that “it was God’s will”. If that is true, then wouldn’t God be in favor of abortion? If life begins at inception, the miscarriage ended the pregnancy and this was God’s will then God willed to abort the pregnancy. God must be pro-abortion, or at least pro-choice. Hmm….just an “I Thought.”


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